ZAMOREX is focused directly on the process of creating and using knowledge while organizing the family heritage.
We believe that knowing in practice involves participating in a meaningful project in a field of practices.

The key to describing the texture of ZAMOREX practices is the idea of connectedness in action, the endless series of relationships which continually move into each other. We are obliged to organizing symposium on “situated learning, local knowledge, and action. Social approaches to the study of knowing in family organization”.

Preparation of documentary written by: Chief. Ojii Awala, Chief. Ngofa, how they came together to form (aka. Ojii Ngofa) and Chief. J.D Osaronu “The New Creation of Nchia, Odido and the Focal Heritage of Eleme People”:
1.The way forward of our people
2.The Broken wings of the Master (Always On Top)
3.My generation platform
4.ZAMOREX Coastline Development Process

This programmed is designed to ensure ZAMOREX INTERNATIONAL ADULT SCHOOL OF THOUHGT runs through a well-organized process system.
Our aim in this work is to show how family organization findings can empirically describe practices like “learning; knowing, and organizing families on royal platform”.

We are committed to learning the following:

  •      Aesthetic Understanding
  •      Cognition
  •      Family organizational learning
  •      Information system
  •    Family organization programme for the long and fruitful discussion.

The above image reads the spirit of an age which views knowledge as a production factor and the knowledge civilization as manifesting epochal vicissitudes.

The image of our family organization is guided by the optimization principle, and was gradually replaced by trial and error, which builds on its own experience and that of others, which extracts maximum value from the knowledge in its possession, which strives after constant improvement, and which networks with other royal family organizations and institutions no order to develop collectively the knowledge that it is unable to produce only on its own.

“The ZAMOREX Exclusive Seat of the knowledge building process”. This is our research methodology which views individual or collective cognitive process as the appropriate domain in which to investigate the mental schemes and mechanisms by which knowledge is produced and stored.

Our major aim is to investigate family organization from the viewpoint of cultural studies and from within a tradition critical of rationalism and cognitivism, we are doing so on, the bases of a complex image of the relationship between family organization and knowledge.

Our process conceptualized knowledge in the same manner as these analysis of social and institutional learning which assume the reciprocal constitution of the knower subject and the know object. “The Royal Family Post Social World”.

The enlightenment faith in rationality was matched by an image of human beings who dominated nature and objects and were onto-logically separate from the material world.

“The Royal Family Heritage”. Breaking into the Heritage by understanding the birth of the precious stone, life of diamond, and Destiny living platform (life full of prosperity).


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