The enlightenment, faith in rationality was matched by an image of human beings who dominated nature and objects and were ontologically separated from material world.

  • Birth of the precious stone
  • Life of diamond (the royal priesthood, peculiar people, and the crown pilgrims) 
  • Destiny living platform (life full of prosperity). 
A call for onward movement into divine prosperity

Meeting program 
  • Welcome -------5mins.
  • Worship---------20mins
  • Testimony------5mins
  • Word------------10mins
  • Work------------10mins
  • Windup---------15mins
  • Closing---------5mins.
  • Group Dynamics
  • New organizational form
  • Organizing Genius
  • The power of great partnerships
  • Organization and discipline.
Project 1: The Africa ground slid project (5 year project-Global Expansion).
I want to thank the creator for His grace shed abroad for all. these whole idea started in heart of a man with the following questions:
  1. How can I be alive and become a failure? Never!
  2. How can I be in this world without creating an impact, positive to those I care about?
  3. What kind of life am I living?
  4. What kind life is my relatives or those I care about living?
  5. Where am I, Where am I going, and Where do I want to be?
  6. Where are my relatives and those I care about wants to be?
  7. What is our level of achievement, is it up to our expectations? 
  8. Is our mindset in accordance with the purpose of creation?
And so He became restless with series of sleepless night, all is to look for a way out of these reckless kind of living, now He found a way out and this way out is completely in our unity.

Before I say anything, the unity and prosperity of this "Royal family" I beseech it.

Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, it is like the precious ointment upon the beard, even Aron's beard: that went down to the skirt of His garment. And as dew of hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion:  For there the Lord commanded the blessing even life forevermore.

Unity is good for us, for our honor, and comfort. It makes us resemble our God, it is pleasant  and pleasing to our God, and all good men, it brings constant delight to those who appreciate what is good.

Those who promote disunity are those whose root has been cut from the ground to swim in trouble waters and profit from chaotic situations. May we not be promoter of disunity, but supporter of unity because this is the only sure way that will enable us to get back our lost heritage.

Our habits toward these purpose will be the foundation of our success  and prosperity in this life and the here after.

Here are some basic activities I will suggest we should collectively lay hands on:

  1. The Royal Family Gathering Packaged Office (4 x 4) meeting
  2. The Royal Family International school
  3. The Royal Family Justice House
  4. The Royal Family Health Home
  5. The Royal Family Water
  6. The Royal Family Bread
  7. The Royal Family Soap
  8. The Royal Family Cream
  9. The Royal Family Fruits
  10. The Royal Family Food
  11. The Royal Family Fashion & Design
  12. The Royal Family Assembly House
  13. The Royal Family Industries
  14. The Royal Family Construction Farm
  15. The Royal Family Project
  16. The Royal Family Party/Club
  17. The Royal Family Cultural Heritage
  18. The Royal Family Cinema Show Room 
  19. The Royal Family Hotel & Suite 
  20. The Royal Family Transpotation
  21. The Royal Family Furniture Company
  22. The Royal Family Communication Shown Room
  23. The Royal Family Technology House
The Royal Family Organization and Discipline
  • Responds to the family department
  • The need to care for three children and a sick mother
  • Doing more gives you greater energy to achieve more (timely success secret)
  • I will care, be kind, and serve others today.
I am very sure with this we will do great exploit, if we commit to the above information.
Finally, I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for your love towards the welfare of this  noble Royal Family. God bless you.


Engr. Olaka Samuel


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