
Showing posts from December, 2018
ZAMOREX is focused directly on the process of creating and using knowledge while organizing the family heritage. We believe that knowing in practice involves participating in a meaningful project in a field of practices. The key to describing the texture of ZAMOREX practices is the idea of connectedness in action, the endless series of relationships which continually move into each other. We are obliged to organizing symposium on “situated learning, local knowledge, and action. Social approaches to the study of knowing in family organization”. Preparation of documentary written by: Chief. Ojii Awala, Chief. Ngofa, how they came together to form (aka. Ojii Ngofa) and Chief. J.D Osaronu “The New Creation of Nchia, Odido and the Focal Heritage of Eleme People”: 1. The way forward of our people 2. The Broken wings of the Master (Always On Top) 3. My generation platform 4. ZAMOREX Coastline Development Process This programmed is designed to ensure ZAMOREX I